Hello, I’m Ann Elise!

I offer personalized elementary math consulting services to help facilitate experiences exploring mathematics with our students in ways that develop positive math identities including routines that build number sense, develop fact fluency, engage in problem solving, and develop conceptual understandings that will follow all students through their entire math journeys.

There is nothing elementary about teaching elementary math.

I’m passionate about working with teachers, schools, and districts to help them implement best practices within the three basic pillars of math instruction: math fact fluency, problem solving (from problem types to engaging in problem solving including delving into Peter Liljedahl’s Building Thinking Classrooms), and understanding the progression of the content standards all within a classroom environment that embodies the math practice standards ensuring equity and access for ALL students.

Together we can create positive math journeys for ALL our students!


I offer solutions for teachers, schools, and districts to create positive math journeys and outcomes for all students.

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The District Leader

In order for schools and districts to experience improved, long-term, and genuine math achievement for all students, educators need to first build their own understanding of how children learn mathematics. Armed with this understanding of early numeracy and the developmental progressions, teachers can then employ instructional practices and routines that assist every child to develop number sense and conceptual understandings that form the foundation for future math concepts. I offer training and coaching that not only builds the content knowledge of educators, but also provides a wealth of ideas and resources for exploring these foundational concepts with students.

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The Classroom Teacher

There is nothing elementary about teaching elementary mathematics, and even with over 22 years in education, the more I learn, the more I realize I need to learn. We now have a better understanding than ever before how students’ brains learn math, and empowered with that knowledge, we can provide targeted opportunities in a flexible way that allow students to build conceptual understandings of numbers, operations, and story structures that will follow them through their math journeys through high school and beyond. Join me in learning about these research-based practices (as well as about a plethora of free resources) that can assist you as you transform your classroom into being a place where students are engaged, curious, flexible, risk-taking, and confident mathematicians!

Opportunities for learning

Training and Professional Development
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